Shelbyville First Assembly of God
Here are a few of the ministries we support financially:
Assemblies of God Home Missionaries (http://usmissions.ag.org)
These are men and women involved in reaching our nation for Jesus Christ. These include rural and urban contexts as well as ethnic ministries. We also support Teen Challenge, a ministry to people struggling with life-controlling issues.
Assemblies of God Foreign Missionaries (http://agwm.com)
These are men and women who leave our shore and take the gospel to the "uttermost parts of the world". We don't list individual missionaries as some of them are in sensitive and difficult areas of the world.
Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center (http://hopeforafuture.com/locations/shelbyville)
A resource to help women who are pregnant find practical help and a love that comes from Jesus Christ.
Local Food Pantry (at the Shelbyville First United Methodist Church)
A local ministry to help local people who are struggling with groceries.
We collect empty cans and the money we get is sent to help feed orphans in Sierra Leone, Africa.